Two down, five to go

One of the problems with having what’s referred to as an “active imagination” is that you get ideas faster than you can write them down.

In all the excitement of getting a new idea, I’m left with a load of half-finished projects, some of them dating back years.

It’s hard to summon any enthusiasm for them when there’s the lure of a shiny new idea. In the case of sequels, often there seems to be no real appetite for them either, no bulging inbox demanding that I carry on with the story. It’s mainly the voices in my head, demanding that I complete what I’ve started.

Every year, I’m determined to finish them all. Because of the new ideas, every year (so far), I’ve failed miserably.

At the start of this year, I had seven such projects, all in need of getting to a first draft that could be edited. Now, thanks to a determined effort on my part, I have five left.

Andorra Pett and the Luna Mining Conspiracy and The Safety of the Realm are now ready to go to my editor, as soon as I can afford it. I will be talking more about them both in the coming weeks.

Still to complete (in no particular order,) are: –

A Land of their Own, part three of the Horis Strongman Steampunk series.

The Circle has no End, part four of the Balcom space opera series.

Wake Me Up, the sequel to Life and Other Dreams.

Alysom’s Revenge, the sequel to Survive.

My Sister Alex, a stand-alone Sci-fi adventure.

I need to write about 250,000 words to go to get them all to a first draft condition. That equates to around five solid months of writing. When you add my other output, like blog posts, my current project and social media, it probably means the end of October. Just in time for NaNoWriMo.

I already have a project for that. Any more new ideas will just have to wait their turn.

I’d love to get your comments, please leave them below. While you’re here, why not take a look around? There are some freebies and lots more content, about me, my writing and everything else that I do. You can join my newsletter for a free novella and more news by clicking this link.


2 Responses

    • Richard Dee

      I will. And I haven’t included the one paragraph ideas in my list, enough said!!

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