Getting my Space Ducks in a row.

As I said to you last week, I’m getting ready for NaNoWriMo and continuing Andorra Pett’s adventures. As I made a few notes, I realised that I needed to re-read Andorra Pett on Mars, the second in my Andorra Pett … Continued


For NaNoWriMo this year, I’m revisiting an old friend.

This is the time of the year when my thoughts normally turn to November. And the thought of writing 50,000 words in a month. I’m grateful to NaNoWriMo, if I hadn’t found it, back in 2014 when I had time … Continued


Stopped in my tracks. When technology lets you down.

Although you could argue that it’s a first-world problem, the demise of my desktop PC has slowed my whole writing progress. Over the last few years, I had become used to it being on all the time and ready to … Continued


Free for the next few days, a tale of survival.

I had the idea for this story back in 2012, as a spin-off from my novel, Freefall. In Freefall, I’d invented a side character, who was peripheral to the plot, a galactic explorer in the history of the universe I’d … Continued


A somewhat inconvenient paralysis of my writing muscle. Maybe a change of focus is required?

Now I’ve finished Where’s Lizzie? I would expect to be writing several thousand words a day on one of my other projects. After all, I have enough half-finished work to be getting on with. I’m lucky to be able to … Continued


It’s all in the edit.

I’m in the middle of editing Where’s Lizzie? I got the corrected document back from my editor before Christmas and, apart from a quick look over it, I left it alone. I didn’t want to make a start when there … Continued


A different way of publishing. I start a new series of Sci-fi short stories on Medium.

Happy New Year to you all. In an attempt to reach a different audience, I thought that I’d try a new way of putting my work out. First, a bit of background. As well as my stand-alone stories, I’ve written … Continued
