The Indie Showcase, a new project.

posted in: News, Writing | 3


Those of you that have been following me will know that I’ve been self-publishing my novels for five years now.

This is a major milestone for me. When I published Freefall (which took me 34 years to write), I thought that I had probably got the idea out of my system.

Then something happened, without doing any promotional work I sold a few copies and started getting feedback. People asked me about the meaning behind comments, what had happened to cause events. They questioned the motivation of the characters, the possibility of other plotlines and suggested things they’d like to see. And it gave me the impetus to write more.

A year later I’d finished a second, unconnected, novel. I didn’t know what to do with it, my wife had seen an author called Helen Hollick on the T.V. She was moving to live quite near us. She said, “why not ask her opinion?”

I must admit I was nervous. After all, Helen was a proper AUTHOR. I was daring to send her my work.

In the event, I did and received a reply. She was kindness itself, very positive and helpful. She said a few things about my book, the final line of her email was something that I treasure.


“Is this a one-off or are you planning a series? I hope a series… this has potential!”


With her, and others, encouragement, I’ve now published eight novels, two collections of short stories and have been involved in a collaborative project, a collection of historical fiction called 1066 Turned Upside Down.

Getting to the point of this post, and the new project, I had a lot of help and support in those early years, and I still do now. I’m extremely grateful to everyone for their time and patience, it’s only right that I do the same for others now that I’m a bit more established.

I’m going to have a new feature on this website, The Indie Showcase. On a Thursday. It’s for people who could benefit from a bit of extra promotion.

Once a week an Indie author, a newbie like I was five years ago, or someone who has written a bit but has still to make many waves and get noticed, will take over this website with a post of their own, in the hope that they can attract some attention to their work. There will be no restriction on what they can post about (subject to the usual bounds of decency and good taste).

It could be a description of their writing journey or influences, a promotional post for their books or a free short story. What they like to read or where they are on their latest project. It’s entirely up to them.

If you’re interested in posting on the Indie Showcase, let me know.

Together we can achieve more than we can alone.


3 Responses

  1. David Pipe

    Hi Richard, I’d always also thought that social media was there not only to promote our own works but to help others. I spend quite a bit of time reading and reviewing other writers’ books. The response leaves a lot to be desired. You’re the first person that has offered to help fledgling authors. I’m very impressed.

    I have published two books to date, Sacrificing Starlight, and Henry’s Tale. And, like a lot of folks I thought there were millions of people out there just waiting to read them. I am currently preparing a promotion programme with BooksGoSocial. I’d be very happy to be one of your guests. I am also an Alli Author Member.

    I don’t write in a specific genre. I use my keyboard to get a few things out which are eating me up inside. Sacrificing Starlight tells how easy it is to lose a child to child abusers and Henry’s Tale pokes fun, through the voice of my Border terrier Henry, at the ‘must have more’ society.

    I also gave up a professional career to scratch the itch that produced my books. And it’s still itching.

    I look forward to hearing from you. And whatever the outcome, respect for your offer.

  2. Joy Lennick

    Hi Richard,
    Good to ‘meet’ you. We are of like mind as I too give other writers an ‘airing’ re their work from time to time. I’m an ancient writer who tasted the more exotic fruits of mainstream publishing many years ago, and was very thankful for that: (two factual books published in the 1980’s). I went on to run a modest poetry group in the UK, won a few prizes and wrote eclectically, until ‘life’ (three sons and two businesses) intervened! Fast forward to the late 1990’s – oh what a different world publishing now is! I retired to Spain with my husband and, luckily, won a big short story prize in Torrevieja, which spurred me on. BUT, although I’ve written a memoir (which was No.1 for a while in the Kindle social history & memoir category: MY GENTLE WAR), and several other books and short stories for anthologies, selling them is a totally different matter!! As my pension has diminished somewhat because of Brexit…I’d love to sell more books, so do appreciate your kind offer of publicity. I’m more than happy to reciprocate. It does work both ways! Many thanks. Sincerely Joy Lennick

  3. Marje

    Hi Richard, thanks for this fantastic opportunity. So glad you joined our group – #ABRSC – Authors Bloggers Rainbow Support Club on Facebook. 🙂

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