The Indie Showcase presents, Jim Webster

There’s a bit of a different feel to the Showcase this week. I first found Jim’s writing a while ago and was immediately entranced (I think that’s a suitable word) by his style and the depth of his imagination. I’m … Continued


What’s next? Work in progress.

As I said last time, it’s a relief to get the completed work ready for beta reads, as a bonus, it’s got my creativity flowing again on the other work I have started and not yet finished. This week I’m … Continued


The Indie Showcase Presents, Nicky Moxey

Today’s guest is so much more than a writer, as you will see. Over to you, Nicky. I’d always expected that when I’d finally get round to writing a novel, it would be a science fiction one. After all, my … Continued


The Indie Showcase presents; Richard Marman

My guest this week is an author with enough real-life adventures to keep him inspired for years. Please welcome Richard Marman to the Showcase. I reckon I’ve led an interesting life, which is a great help if you want to … Continued


Communication Breakdown.

The title of the post gives me an excuse to embed this, Back to the subject. What can you do when your characters refuse to play? What do I mean by that? Let me try to explain. I wanted to … Continued


The Indie Showcase presents, Miriam Hurdle.

Thank you, Richard for featuring me on your website today. I grew up in Hong Kong where I spent my childhood, college and early career years. My dad made a great impact on me for my love of reading. He … Continued


The Indie Showcase presents, Paul Nelson

There are some incredible indie authors out there, writing a wide variety of genres for many reasons. This weeks guest has a wonderful, uplifting story to tell. Over to you, Paul. In 2013, I became a widower with a teenage, … Continued
