Let’s talk about the weather, Blog Hopping

Here’s this week’s prompt. Despite the recent snow in the Rocky Mountains, it’s summer in the Northern Hemisphere. Do your stories and worlds reference seasons and do they play into the plots of your books? Another week, another prompt to … Continued


The Indie Showcase presents – Janice Spina

A very warm welcome to my guest this week, please tell us your story, Janice. Thank you, Richard, for this opportunity to be featured on your blog. Let me tell your readers a little about myself. I have been writing … Continued


GO BACK!… It’s a Trap. Blog Hopping

Welcome along to another #OpenBook blog hop, let’s take a look at this weeks prompt. What are common traps for aspiring writers? Where to begin? Let’s first consider the whole publishing industry, as seen by a new writer. Cast your … Continued


The Indie Showcase presents, Erin Casey

Please welcome my latest guest; over to you, Erin. A Community of Writers When most people think of writers, they picture solitary creatures hiding away in dark caves and typing to a computer screen’s glow. Alright, so I suppose that’s … Continued


The Lost Princess. Arriving soon.

The Balcom Dynasty, how it all began. Way back in autumn 2014, I was on sick leave from my job. It turned out that I had a bone spur in my shoulder, to spare you all the details, I had … Continued


Blog hopping: What’s in a name?

Welcome to another #OpenBook blog hop, here’s the prompt for this weeks musings. How do you select the names of your characters? That’s a very good question. Names are important, they create a first impression and a hint as to … Continued


The Indie Showcase presents; Frank Prem.

It’s my pleasure to hand the Showcase over to Frank, another author I’ve come to know through the power of the internet. Thank you for the opportunity to chat with yourself and your readers. Do you think we might have … Continued


The power of words; Blog Hopping

Welcome to another blog hop. Here’s this weeks prompt – What was an early experience where you learned that language had power? It’s funny, probably the greatest of illustrations of the power of words comes when we hear something that … Continued
