Looking forward. My plans for 2023
2023 is just about upon us. As I write this, I’m at the stage – between Christmas and New Year, where I don’t know what day of the week it is and my cheese overload alarm has gone off. It’s … Continued
What I see is what you get! Science Fiction and Steampunk adventures. This is also the official home of the Solar System's newest and most reluctant amateur detective, Andorra Pett. "Richard Dee. The master of the truly different." Michelle Medhat - Best Selling Author.
2023 is just about upon us. As I write this, I’m at the stage – between Christmas and New Year, where I don’t know what day of the week it is and my cheese overload alarm has gone off. It’s … Continued
Nothing writerly has been happening this week, it’s time for a break. Instead, I’ve been preparing food for the festive period, here are a few glimpses of what I’ve been up to. Sourdough Bread Using my trusty starter and my … Continued
A while ago, I guested on Steven Smith’s podcast at The Crows Nest. Steven is an excellent author, with a Steampunk novel, Chasing Shadows, to his name. In this podcast, we talk about my writing, as well as a few … Continued
Taken from my collection Flash Fiction 2, here’s a short story for the season. Maybe you were Right The crew had drawn straws and Martine had lost. I hadn’t bothered, I was happy to stay and let someone else go. … Continued
NaNo is over for another year. In the end, I managed to write 61762 new words of I Remember Everything in November. These were added to the 6345 words of notes and ideas that I had before I started. The … Continued
As I mentioned, I’m busy writing this year’s NaNoWriMo project, I Remember Everything. As I won’t have time to write posts, I’ve put together this series of retrospectives from my past NaNo challenges in advance, so that I can have … Continued
As I mentioned, I’m busy writing this year’s NaNoWriMo project, I Remember Everything. As I won’t have time to write posts, I’ve put together this series of retrospectives from my past NaNo challenges in advance, so that I can have … Continued
As I mentioned, I’m busy writing this year’s NaNoWriMo project, I Remember Everything. As I won’t have time to write posts, I’ve put together this series of retrospectives from my past NaNo challenges in advance, so that I can have … Continued