The return of Kalyn Deere. This time, she’s bringing her friends.

As you might remember, last year I wrote a series of short stories about a private detective called Kalyn Deere.

All the stories were stand-alone. But, like all good TV series, they had a common thread running through them.

I initially released them as weekly instalments on Medium, where they got a favourable reception. When I’d uploaded them all, I compiled the stories into an ebook and paperback, which I published.

Kalyn Deere is straight out of the Navy and straight into trouble.

When she arrives home, after five years away, Kalyn misses seeing her father by an hour. There’s no chance to patch up their broken relationship, no time to explain.

A month later, he sends her a message. “Help me,” is all he says.

Erik Deere is a private investigator and bounty hunter, a job he said Kayln must never be allowed to do. That’s the reason she left in the first place.

With Erik missing, she’s dragged into his world, whether he likes it or not.

Kalyn needs to find her father and keep his business going. All the while pretending that everything is normal.

She has to learn fast, helped by Erik’s secretary, Silva. And by some of the dubious characters she meets along the way.

Kalyn Deere. Bounty Hunter.

Solving crime and searching for her father, all across the Galaxy.

“This is a fun, fast-paced, and intricately woven read that will keep you entertained throughout.”

You can get your copy here.

I had several stories that never made it into the original collection. And I’ve thought up a few more since. I’ve decided that there are now enough for a second volume.

So, I’m pleased to say that Kalyn will be returning for a new set of adventures, together with the friends (and some of the enemies) she’s acquired in the course of her work so far.

Kalyn Deere is back for some more adventures.

Together with her new friends, Debs, Dusty and Harmony, she’s still solving crime, helping those down on their luck and trying to find her father.

She has new situations to deal with, as well as the fallout from her previous escapades.

This time around, amongst other things, she’s headed to a forbidden part of the Galaxy, cleaning up the interstellar transport system, dealing with unexpected revelations and teaching her friends how to stay alive.

If you’ve got a problem, Kalyn and her crew are the people you need to talk to.

Here’s an extract, from a story called Six Month’s On.

Ten days later, I was feeling relaxed as I walked down the alleyway towards my cabin. I’d been on board the hyperliner Antavia for three days, heading for Sarpen, where I intended to spend a week at an extreme sports resort, before returning to Premex.

A noise from one of the cabins made me pause. It sounded like someone crying, a low sob. I stopped, now there was shouting, the sound of a slap, followed by more sobs.

What should I do? I was on vacation, the logical thing to do was report it to the ship’s security officers. They would be ages, it sounded more urgent.

I knocked on the door. A man opened it, scruffy, unshaven and red-eyed, he looked like he was high on something.

 “Wadda-ya-wan?” He slurred. Behind him, I could hear the sobbing more clearly now the door was opened. There was a young woman in the cabin with him.

“Everything OK?” I asked.

“Mind-yer-own,” he growled, slamming the door shut. I heard a muffled “shut-ya-mouth,” followed by another slap.

I shook my head, this was definitely a job for security.

They were less than interested, “we’ll send someone down to have a word,” the woman at the desk said, “but unless we get a complaint from someone in the cabin, there’s not a lot we can do, based on what you think might be happening.”

Duty done, I returned to my cabin, but I couldn’t get the sobbing out of my head.

The next day, I was having an early morning swim in the deserted pool when I was grabbed as I turned at the pool’s end.

I managed to gulp a breath before I went under, whoever it was had me by the ankle. They were keeping out of reach of my other foot, as I kicked out. My arms flailed and one hand found the rail. I hung on, trying to pull my head clear so I could breathe as I felt the pressure to try to inhale increasing. I swung my free arm and managed to grab the rail. As I heaved upwards against his weight, I tucked my free leg against the side of the pool. Then I let go and pushed off.

The sudden change of direction caused whoever had my foot to loosen his grip and I was free. Pushing my head clear of the water I took a couple of quick breaths and spun around.

My attacker was halfway out of the water, tall and lean, he had angel wings tattooed on his back.

I reached the edge and climbed out as he disappeared into the changing rooms. Cautiously, I followed the trail of wet footprints.

They led to a cubicle. I paused, it looked like the door wasn’t shut.

As I crept towards it, out of the corner of my eye, I saw the door I was passing move. I threw myself sideways, crashing into it and forcing it to open faster than whoever was hiding behind it had anticipated.

There was a second’s resistance, then my weight and momentum added to the door’s motion and it shot inwards, knocking my prospective assailant backwards. There was a crack and a howl.

The man with the angel wings tattoo was slumped on the floor, holding his wrist. I stood back so he couldn’t kick me.

“Time for explanations,” I said.

“You broke my wrist, bitch,” he muttered. Taking a look at him, it wasn’t the man from the door. This guy was fit and nowhere near being an addict.

“What’s going on in that cabin?” I asked. “Drugs, or kidnapping?”

He was silent.

“OK, security can handle it,” I said. His face fell, “you mean you’re not ship’s security?” He sounded puzzled.

“Nope, I’m just a gal on vacation,” I said.

His eyes flicked and he took a step forward. I saw his shoulder muscles twitch. As I jumped back, I saw his other hand, the one that wasn’t busted, swing towards me, wielding a knife. He’d almost managed to distract me into not noticing his move. The blade sliced at thin air.

Kalyn’s Crew. Coming soon.

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