Vanquishing the indestructible typo.

It’s been said that a cockroach is one of the only things that could survive a nuclear war, along with scorpions and other simple invertebrates. I think you could probably add the typo in any published book to the list. … Continued


Housekeeping. The art of keeping everything neat and tidy.

I’ve slowed down in my writing operations for a moment, as there’s some housekeeping to do to my publishing empire. It’s one of the things that sort of creeps up on you, the jobs you didn’t realise you’d have to … Continued


If only it were that simple

I wish that I could stick to writing one story at a time. I’m sure that most authors work on one project till it’s finished, then start on another. Not me, that would be far too simple. I blame the … Continued


Finding your way around

The movie, The Day the Earth Stood Still, the 1951 black and white version, has a lot to answer for. I first saw it when I was a teenager and it blew my mind. This is my favourite line, apart … Continued


Andorra Pett returns, in a new adventure…, soon.

The series so far I have to be honest, Andorra Pett is my favourite character. She has been ever since I first met her. Back then, she was overdressed and striding down an alleyway on a space station orbiting Saturn. … Continued


The Character with no words.

I recently said that I might do a whole post about this subject, here it is. There’s one character that appears in every book, but never has a line to speak. And yet, I think it’s probably the most influential … Continued


Kalyn Deere is a bounty hunter. Her story begins here.

I’ve been struggling for inspiration. Finally, it’s arrived. The last month or so has been a writing wilderness for me. With so many half-finished stories, I’ve always been able to find at least one of them to work on. Being … Continued


A tangled web

Writing any sort of story is a bit like weaving a spider’s web. There are so many interconnected strands of narrative, backstory and setting. Depending on where you start and which direction you move in, a range of possibilities for … Continued
