A new idea takes shape. Welcome to Helcon City.

While I’m preparing for NaNoWriMo, my other projects have not taken a back seat. Far from it. They continue to be a distraction to whatever I’m trying to work on, continually poking in and disturbing my train of thought with new ideas.

Whether it’s another short story on Medium or part of a new novel, my mind can’t seem to concentrate on one thing at a time.

I had an idea a while ago, for a Sci-fi Crime Noir Mashup. I keep getting glimpses of scenes and plot points on the screen in my head.

Although I’ll see it all again, I’m making a few notes before I forget them.

It all gets very confusing as it’s intermingled with Andorra Pett’s story, I have to work out which bit goes with which of the two when I come to write it all down.

Here’s an overview,

I do like the idea of a fusion between the concept of the hardboiled and world-weary private eye and the Sci-fi setting of a run-down planet in some far-off future.

As befits the Sci-fi setting, there’s high tech, which may help or hinder, but underneath it all lies a tale of emotions and sleuthing that hasn’t really changed since the genre’s glory days.

The story will include femmes fatale, criminal gangs, manipulation and undercurrents, with a healthy sprinkling of cynical banter.

All set in a future world that’s not the shining example of progress we might expect.

There may be cars running on electric induction, police drones patrolling the skies and anti-static rainwear but a revolver can still come in handy when you’re in a tight spot.

At least, that’s the plan.

I’ll have to stop writing it for NaNo (if the voices in my head let me). But I’m pretty sure that it’ll be popping into my head and trying to distract me.

If you’re interested, here’s a short sample.

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2 Responses

    • Richard Dee

      Thank you, there’s no danger of that, I get ideas faster than I can write them down.

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