The Indie Showcase has been absent for a while, but I have a few new guest posts lined up for you.
Here’s the first.
Please welcome author, inventor and businesswoman Lizzie Chantree.
Her new guide to networking is out soon, my copy is on pre-order, find out more here.
Thank you so much for inviting me onto your blog today, Richard.

Hello everyone. My name is Lizzie Chantree and I am a romance author. I write about feisty entrepreneurs who often have to get themselves out of all kinds of trouble. About seven years ago I wrote and published my first book as a completely unknown author. Today I have five international bestselling books and have hit the #1 spot on Amazon in my category more than once. I believe this is due to my network.

When I published my first book, I had no idea about marketing and I learnt through attending courses, talking to other writers and through mentors. My latest non-fiction book, Networking for writers, talks through how to find your own network of loyal readers and offers insight into things like author branding and social media. Social media can easily swallow hours of writing time, so learning a few simple ways to streamline your writing day, boost your social media following and widen your audience, can ease the workload. In my book I explain ways to reach out to readers via Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest amongst others, without bombarding them with sales pitches.
Networking is about being social, but it is also about structure, discipline and focus. In my book I offer insight into the tools I use to stay productive, find writing time and to have room left to step away from work and give myself space to breathe and let creativity blossom. I’m hoping that the book helps other writers to follow their dreams, but to also ease some of the tension that constant worry about book marketing can bring.
Here’s a bit more about the book, click the cover to go to the Amazon page.

Are you swamped with book marketing and looking for a way to find new sales? Learn simple and effective networking techniques, to grow your readership and connect with other authors and book lovers, today!
Whether you are a new or experienced writer, self-published or traditionally published, this book will show you how to grow your readership and author network, through some of the most powerful of all marketing tools – word of mouth and recommendation.
This book will show you:
How networking can help you sell more books.
Why author branding is important.
How networking hours work.
Specific Facebook groups for writers
How to utilise social media to grow your readership.
How not to waste valuable writing time.
How to make our marketing more effective.
Throughout Networking for Writers, we will explore running or attending book signings, hosting seminars, finding a writing buddy or mentor, author networking groups, social media planning and so much more.
You can find Lizzie here
More social media links:
Author page:
Facebook Groups:
Book links: Lizzie Chantree.
Universal book buy link: Networking for writers:
Universal book buy link: If you love me, I’m yours:
Universal book buy link: Ninja School Mum:
Universal book buy link: Babe Driven:
Universal book buy link: Love’s Child:
Universal book buy link: Finding Gina:
My thanks to this weeks guest for a great introduction to her new book. It looks like it will be a very useful tool to add to your marketing arsenal. I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy.
While you’re here, why not have a look around the site? There are FREE things and a whole lot more, just follow the links at the top of the page.
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If you’re an author or blogger and you’d like to be featured in a future Showcase, where you can write about whatever (within reason) you want, then please let me know. Use the comment box below and I’ll get back to you.
You can catch up on all the previous Showcase posts by clicking HERE
Don’t miss my musings every Monday in the #OpenBook bloghop.
Have a good week,
Lizzie Chantree
A big thank you for hosting my new book on your fabulous blog today Richard!
Richard Dee
You’re very welcome, I’m looking forward to reading my copy.