Welcome back to another blog hop, with #OpenBook. Here’s this week’s prompt.
Don’t forget to click the link to see what everyone else has to say on this week’s subject. It’s at the end of my post.
What was the best thing that happened to you in 2024? (Writing or otherwise?) The worst?
Leaving writing aside for a moment, the best thing about 2024 was seeing my daughter and grandson in August. As they live in Australia, visits are rare and treasured. We keep in touch with a weekly video call but it’s not the same as being face to face.
This was the first time they had been over since 2022, sadly my son-in-law couldn’t be with them, which was a shame, to say the least. Nevertheless, we had a great time.
As for the worst, there are a few contenders for that accolade. The biggest issue is the growing realisation that we’re both getting older. Niggling injuries seem to take a lot longer to resolve. I’ve had a tendon injury in my shoulder for ten months, while Yvonne was threatened with a hip replacement, only to find (after several months of angst) that she had been misdiagnosed. We are both improving with physio but I’m sure we used to bounce back a lot quicker when we were younger.
Moving on to writing, the best thing about 2024 was my involvement with Medium. There’s more about that in my next blog post (this Thursday) but it has been a game-changer for me.
The worst thing was the complete failure of my novel, Where’s Lizzie? Despite good ARC feedback, and quite a bit of marketing, I have been unable to sell more than a handful of copies. Perhaps the subject matter is a little too controversial for my usual audience, I really have no idea. The lack of traction made me feel quite despondent for a while.
I’ll just have to hope that the next one is more successful.
What do you think about this week’s subject?
Let me know by leaving me a comment.
While you’re here, please click the InLinkz link to check out what my fellow writers have to say about this week’s topic.

Until next time.

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Stevie Turner
Great that you were able to meet up with your daughter and grandson. As for your book not selling, we all have that problem since Amazon stopped advertising self-published books for free. Any sale is a bonus for me, but like you, my book sales are now down to a handful. It’s just the way it is unfortunately.
Richard Dee
Thanks, it was great to see them. As for the book sales, it would be nice but I’ve never been one to chase numbers. The main thing is getting all the thoughts out of my head.
Glade that you got to see your family.
As for book sales there might be other ways to get it out there. I guess easy way is to keep writing books.
Richard Dee
I love writing books, it’s the marketing I hate.
P.J. MacLayne
Marketing is tough. Well, writing is tough too, but at least it feels like you are accomplishing something!
Richard Dee
Marketing is a time suck that stops me from writing.
It’s always a mixture, isn’t it. Here’s hoping 2025 leans solidly to the positive for you on all fronts. @samanthabwriter from
Balancing Act
Richard Dee
Thanks, it’s the lack of predictability that keeps us on our toes. š
Kelly Williams
I wake up most days marveling at how I got to half a century.
Richard Dee
Oh yes, it’s pretty good to still be going strong.