More Research.
Everything needs research, even this post. It’s Friday and I have a blank page in front of me. I have to write something for my website and have it ready to post on Monday; the trouble is that I don’t … Continued
What I see is what you get! Science Fiction and Steampunk adventures. This is also the official home of the Solar System's newest and most reluctant amateur detective, Andorra Pett. "Richard Dee. The master of the truly different." Michelle Medhat - Best Selling Author.
Everything needs research, even this post. It’s Friday and I have a blank page in front of me. I have to write something for my website and have it ready to post on Monday; the trouble is that I don’t … Continued
Note from Richard Dee. This article was submitted to me for publication and it was so useful that I decided to post it unedited. I have received this short bio of the writer, Jennifer Scott. Jennifer is a business … Continued
Batman had Robin, Cagney had Lacey, Morecambe had Wise. Throughout storytelling, there is a place by the side of the hero for a trusty sidekick or two. They can serve so many purposes, from the voice of reason and conscience … Continued
If your finale is to be a wonderful thing, the reward for the reader making it to the end, then the journey towards the last page must be made to be worth it! And that means planning each step, inserting … Continued
Last time, I started to describe how I had developed the concept for my Sci-fi adventure Ribbonworld. I set up the plot and the location in broad terms. I had a murder and a conspiracy on a planet that was … Continued
I was asked recently how I thought up the ideas for my worlds, I had to give a rather truncated answer, but it got me wondering if anyone else was interested. So here’s a look at the thought process behind … Continued
Everyone loves a sequel…, or a prequel…, or a spin-off. Readers like them because they hope that they will give them the answers to questions that the original story threw up. Or that the new adventures of their heroes (pardon … Continued
Instead of a post about my writing or some other insight, I’m reporting on my attendance at Credfest last Saturday. As a mamber of the Exeter Authors Association, I had a table, a workshop and readings to do. Here are … Continued