Let me tell you a Secret, Blog Hopping.

I’m really getting into this blog-hoping lark now, I like the idea of getting a prompt on Wednesday and having to produce something for the next Monday. Even though I’m not normally a fan of deadlines and being told what … Continued


What’s next? Work in progress.

As I said last time, it’s a relief to get the completed work ready for beta reads, as a bonus, it’s got my creativity flowing again on the other work I have started and not yet finished. This week I’m … Continued


Communication Breakdown.

The title of the post gives me an excuse to embed this, Back to the subject. What can you do when your characters refuse to play? What do I mean by that? Let me try to explain. I wanted to … Continued


Did you miss me?

posted in: About me, News, Uncategorized, Writing | 6

Perhaps more pertinently, did you notice that I was away? It was just a short break, but I don’t mean to say that I actually went anywhere. I was stuck right here, you just couldn’t see me. My website crashed … Continued


The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

When I was a small child, I was always told never to be boastful, never to shout about my successes. I’ve tried to live by this advice as much as possible, never show off or trumpet my achievements too much. … Continued
