It’s that time of the year. NaNoWriMo is approaching

NaNoWriMo is a month-long creative writing challenge that takes place every November.

It’s only a short time (45 days from today) until this year’s NaNoWriMo challenge starts and I’m already trying to decide which project I’m going to work on this year.

This will be my eighth year of attempting to write a 50,000-word first draft in the month. I’ve published the seven previous NaNo projects I’ve attempted and I have high hopes for this year. I’ve already booked my editor for December 1st in anticipation. Hopefully, that alone will give me extra motivation to succeed.

As usual, I have a choice of stories and I’ve narrowed it down to three. Here are the titles, working concept covers and a brief note about the main idea of each.

I Remember Everything.

A psychological thriller.

A policeman is murdered at the same instant as a child is born.

Locked in the baby’s head is the key to finding the killer.

All they have to do is grow up and remember it.

My Sister Alex.

A Science Fiction adventure.

You learn that your sister’s dead, half a Galaxy away.

In the midst of your grief, your problems are only just beginning.

What was she involved in?

Why have you become a target?

How well do you know your family?

Crime of the Century

A time travel caper.

We all have crazy ideas when we’ve had a bit to drink.

Steff’s was for the perfect crime.

All you needed was an old newspaper.

And a time machine.

Over the next three weeks, I’ll be sharing extracts from each of the stories, before deciding which project to work on this November.

Watch this space for more news.

Why not comment below and let me know which one interests you?

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4 Responses

    • Richard Dee

      They will all get written, the order depends on the voices in my head. Don’t miss the extracts, starting next week.

  1. Stephen

    I’m a sucker for well written Time Travel stories, which will probably take more than the allotted time to complete. The psychological thriller would be my next choice, followed by the SF adventure. They’re all good. Roll a die to eliminate one, then flip a coin to select the winner?

    • Richard Dee

      I find time travel hard to write, it almost needs to be written backwards, which is an alien way of working for me. We will have to wait and see.

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