Andorra Pett returns, in a new adventure…, soon.

The series so far I have to be honest, Andorra Pett is my favourite character. She has been ever since I first met her. Back then, she was overdressed and striding down an alleyway on a space station orbiting Saturn. … Continued


The Character with no words.

I recently said that I might do a whole post about this subject, here it is. There’s one character that appears in every book, but never has a line to speak. And yet, I think it’s probably the most influential … Continued


Kalyn Deere is a bounty hunter. Her story begins here.

I’ve been struggling for inspiration. Finally, it’s arrived. The last month or so has been a writing wilderness for me. With so many half-finished stories, I’ve always been able to find at least one of them to work on. Being … Continued


A tangled web

Writing any sort of story is a bit like weaving a spider’s web. There are so many interconnected strands of narrative, backstory and setting. Depending on where you start and which direction you move in, a range of possibilities for … Continued


I Heard it Through the Grapevine. Thank you, Marvin.

The title of this post might confuse you, what does a 1960s soul classic have to do with Sci-fi? Read on and all will be revealed. It concerns that bane of my life, the new idea. With so much half-finished … Continued


New Bookfunnel promotions for June.

A selection of my novels are featured in these current Bookfunel promotions. After a break of about a year, while I’ve been trying to sort out where I’m going with my writing and marketing, I’ve reactivated my Bookfunnel account. I’ve … Continued


We Are Saul, my latest novel

This week, it’s my pleasure to tell you about a new book that I published today. I had an idea about second chances, about doing things differently. Looking for a starting point, I figured that, if I could make it … Continued


What is it about Steampunk?

Steampunk is a particularly hard sell. I love writing it but I don’t think I know many people who actually read it. I’ve written three novels and one book of short stories (which is really a set of essays, giving … Continued
