The Indie Showcase presents, Sharon Marchisello

As long as I can remember, I knew I was a writer. Even before I could put pencil to paper, I entertained myself with stories after my parents tucked me into bed, extinguished the lights, and ordered me to sleep. … Continued


Let me tell you a Secret, Blog Hopping.

I’m really getting into this blog-hoping lark now, I like the idea of getting a prompt on Wednesday and having to produce something for the next Monday. Even though I’m not normally a fan of deadlines and being told what … Continued


The Indie Showcase presents, Laura Lambton

My guest this week is an author of historical fiction. Over to you, Laura. ‘Everyone has a story inside them,’ were words I had heard a thousand times and they became all the more frustrating as each year passed with … Continued


The Indie Showcase presents, Jim Webster

There’s a bit of a different feel to the Showcase this week. I first found Jim’s writing a while ago and was immediately entranced (I think that’s a suitable word) by his style and the depth of his imagination. I’m … Continued


The Indie Showcase Presents, Nicky Moxey

Today’s guest is so much more than a writer, as you will see. Over to you, Nicky. I’d always expected that when I’d finally get round to writing a novel, it would be a science fiction one. After all, my … Continued


The Indie Showcase presents; Richard Marman

My guest this week is an author with enough real-life adventures to keep him inspired for years. Please welcome Richard Marman to the Showcase. I reckon I’ve led an interesting life, which is a great help if you want to … Continued
