Other things on my mind

There have been some changes, some good, some not so. In my little corner of England, everyone is talking to each other more, from a safe distance. We shout over the garden fence, exchange more conversation on our infrequent trips … Continued


Never Have I Ever…

In place of the #OpenBook blog hop, I’m actually taking part in another one today. I spotted this writer tag on Marie Lavender’s blog, and I thought I’d jump in too! It was a chance to share a few facts about … Continued


One thing leads to another.

And it has also led me to contemplate doing something that I swore I’d never do. Any excuse for some music from the 80s, it’s a crazy video but an addictive song. First of all, a bit of background. Way … Continued


What’s the point in writing sequels?

Here’s a question for Saturday morning. What’s the point in writing sequels, if nobody ever reads the first part? This is a question that’s been bothering me for quite some time. As it stands, I currently have about seven, yes … Continued


A new short Story. Or could it be more than that?

I’ve been a bit blocked recently. I’d hesitate to call it writer’s block, as I’m quite able to write. I can still see things in my head, the voices are in full flow, it’s just that I’m not able to … Continued


The second Saturday of NaNoWriMo 2019

Welcome back to my trip through the NaNo projects of the past. This time, I’m looking at 2016. I didn’t attempt NaNo in 2015, I was otherwise engaged in adjusting to life after work, as I mentioned last week. My … Continued


Blog Hopping, a different kind of block.

Welcome to another BlogHop, with #OpenBook. Here’s this week’s prompt. We’ve talked about writer’s block. Have you ever gotten reader’s block? To be a writer, you have to love reading and read a lot. Not just before you write, but … Continued
