What I’ve been doing in the background.

It’s time for the big reveal, the reason I’ve been spending a lot of time away from social media.

I’ve been working on a new project, and not one of my own. At least, not exclusively.

As some of you will know, I’m a member of the Exeter Authors Association, a local writing group.

One of us, and I can’t remember who; had this crazy idea for us to write an anthology of our work, a short story or factual piece each, collect them together and make them into a book.

We could sell it to raise our profile as a group. Maybe make some money for charity as well as for ourselves? We thrashed it around over several meetings and the project was born.

What could we write about? To keep it unique to us, as the EAA, we decided that every contribution had to be Devon themed, either set in or about the county.

Our members write such a range of genres that there was sure to be something in it for everyone.

Because I had been involved in another such project, called 1066 Turned Upside Down, it was decided that I had all the qualifications to be in charge!!!!!

I started getting people to contribute, wrote a couple of short stories myself. With the help of other members, we set about deciding on a cover image and all the myriad of details that make a new book.

Tales of Deepest Darkest Devon is the result. We decided on the Devon Air Ambulance Trust as a worthy place to donate some of the profits as one of our members is associated with the charity.

Somehow, we have nineteen pieces of fact and fiction, all assembled and ready to be released as an eBook on March 31st. The paperback will follow in due course.

It’s been a real collaboration; everyone has pulled together and made a valuable contribution.

So, without further ado, here is the blurb and cover.


Devon; a land of beauty, of moors, villages and coasts. A place of stories, told by the people who live there.

Take a look beneath the surface of Devon with the Exeter Authors, nineteen tales from thirteen of the county’s finest writers.

Contains some adult (18+) material.

Bobbing. Discover why revenge is a dish best served with cider,

Make a wish. Devon is the place to spend the rest of your life.

The Dartmoor Dragon. Discover the magic on the moor.

Cutty Dyer. Quiet villages can hold deadly secrets.

Winter Snow.  The old ways are the best.

The Padding Horror. On the moors, an ancient evil is stalking its latest prey.

Under the Hunters Moon. You’re never truly alone on the moor.

The Fairmile Green Man. Has Swampy and his protest been forgotten? A green man carving brings a much older story back to life.

Guardians. A peaceful little village hides a dark secret.

And many more.

Contributors: Jenifer Braund, Richard Dee, Maura Beckett, Chip Tolson, Brian Willis, Janet Few, John Hall, K. Y. Eden, Richard Lappas, Tracey Norman, Mark Norman, P.J. Reed, Jenny Kane.

Part of the sale price goes to the Devon Air Ambulance Trust.

And the front cover.

Designed by me, with the background of a map that another member found.

You can pre-order a copy of the eBook at http://mybook.to/Deepest_Darkest_Devon

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