The blank page and other Syndromes
When it comes to writing, I suffer from a lot of phobias, whether I like to admit it or not. I found out that one of my pet hates has a proper name, I’m referring to the panic which comes … Continued
What I see is what you get! Science Fiction and Steampunk adventures. This is also the official home of the Solar System's newest and most reluctant amateur detective, Andorra Pett. "Richard Dee. The master of the truly different." Michelle Medhat - Best Selling Author.
When it comes to writing, I suffer from a lot of phobias, whether I like to admit it or not. I found out that one of my pet hates has a proper name, I’m referring to the panic which comes … Continued
Following the post about my self-publishing method, which you can find here, this post is more concerned with what I write, as opposed to how I publish it. As I’m sure you know by now, I write Science Fiction, Steampunk … Continued
Today, my guest is a writer of fantasy, I’ll leave her to explain. Hi, Richard, thanks for showcasing me on your blog. My name is Adele Marie Park and I’m a fantasy/horror author living near the coast of East Scotland. … Continued
It’s a new year and a new feature for this blog. Today, in my first post in what I hope will be a new venture, I’d like to give you a behind the scenes look at the birth of a … Continued
This is my last post for 2018 Apart from wishing you all a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year, it’s traditionally a time to look back at what you’ve done over the last twelve months and to make some resolutions … Continued
This week, it’s my pleasure to welcome Sally Cronin to the Showcase. Being an Indie Author Thanks, Richard for your kind invitation to feature on your website today. I am celebrating being an author for twenty years having written and … Continued
Welcome to another Showcase post, my guest today is fantasy author Samuel Colbran. I found Samuel through a writers group in Australia, where I was introduced to him by another member, who thought I’d like his writing. His subject matter … Continued
Today I’m delighted to welcome Lynne Pardoe, author of several novels based around her life as a Social Worker. Over to you, Lynne. It occurred to me that writing the sort of social work fiction that I do, involves writing … Continued