Coming soon, a short story collection from Fuzzy Flamingo.

Last year, a good friend of mine, Steven Smith, introduced me to a new Facebook group. As a result, I was offered the chance to submit a short story to a forthcoming collection. The anthology was being put together by … Continued


Looking at it from both Sides

Welcome back to another blog hop, with #OpenBook. Here’s this week’s prompt. Whose perspective do you like to write from best, the hero (protagonist) or the villain (antagonist)? And why? Since I get all my words from the voices in … Continued


Should I carry on, or start again?

I’ve been suffering from a certain paralysis when it comes to writing this year. I’d hesitate to call it writer’s block, as I’ve not actually stopped writing but I’ve certainly been having trouble getting any specific project done. I’ve been … Continued


Cover reveal. Steampunk adventures in Steven Smith’s “Chasing Shadows.”

I must admit that I’ve been waiting for this day, when I can finally reveal the cover of this upcoming book in all its glory. But first, a few words about the story, including a few thoughts from my beta … Continued


We’re all going on a road trip.

Welcome back to another blog hop, with #OpenBook. Here’s this week’s prompt. You’re going on a road trip: where are you headed? With who? What are your snacks? Music? Plans? A road trip. Now there’s something that hasn’t been a … Continued


Coming soon, the second Andorra Pett Audiobook.

I’ve just sent the second Andorra Pett audiobook, Andorra Pett on Mars, to ACX quality assurance. I was looking for a narrator who would capture the soul of the story and bring it to life. I found Lianne Walker. As … Continued


The things that people say. When they think you can’t hear them.

Welcome back to another blog hop, with #OpenBook. Here’s this week’s prompt. How often do you overhear an awesome one-liner or witty comeback, and tell yourself you need to write that down to use for one of your characters? I’m … Continued


It’s been a while, the Balcom story continues.

I wrote Ribbonworld, the first part of the Balcom series, way back in 2014. It was never meant to be more than a stand-alone story about corruption and corporate misdeeds, set on a hostile planet at some time in the … Continued
