It’s all in the edit.

I’m in the middle of editing Where’s Lizzie? I got the corrected document back from my editor before Christmas and, apart from a quick look over it, I left it alone. I didn’t want to make a start when there … Continued


A different way of publishing. I start a new series of Sci-fi short stories on Medium.

Happy New Year to you all. In an attempt to reach a different audience, I thought that I’d try a new way of putting my work out. First, a bit of background. As well as my stand-alone stories, I’ve written … Continued


Round up, a writer’s look back at 2023.

It’s a habit of mine, at this time of the year, to look back at what I’ve done since January and evaluate it. After a few years of only releasing one new story, this year, I’ve published three. And I … Continued


Maybe you were right. A short story for the season.

Here’s something I wrote a few years ago now, for a competition. It didn’t win, or even get a mention but I’ve had a few good reactions whenever I post it. The story deals with the magic of Christmas, seen … Continued


NaNoWriMo 2023. Looking back at NaNoWriMo’s of the past, part 4.

As I mentioned, I’m busy writing this year’s NaNoWriMo project, Where’s Lizzie? As I won’t have time to write posts, I’ve put together this series of retrospectives from my past NaNo challenges in advance, so that I can have a … Continued


It’s NaNoWriMo 2023. I’m looking back at NaNoWriMo’s of the past, part 3

As I mentioned, I’m busy writing this year’s NaNoWriMo project, Where’s Lizzie? As I won’t have time to write posts, I’ve put together this series of retrospectives from my past NaNo challenges in advance, so that I can have a … Continued


NaNoWriMo 2023. Looking back at NaNoWriMo’s of the past, part 2.

As I mentioned, I’m busy writing this year’s NaNoWriMo project, Where’s Lizzie?. As I won’t have time to write posts, I’ve put together this series of retrospectives from my past NaNo challenges in advance, so that I can have a … Continued
