Relapse alert. It looks like I spoke too soon

Just when I thought I was getting better,

I’ve been hit by a chest infection. As I said before, I’ve been suffering from what I thought was the flu since the beginning of January.  It didn’t seem too bad, I’d had the vaccination (I’m asthmatic) so reckoned it would just be a mild inconvenience.

It got better for a while, then worse again (a cycle that repeated a couple of times) as my body tried to shrug it off. It’s viral, I thought, antibiotics are no use here, I’ll just have to be patient. Then I had a week of blocked sinuses, which isn’t pleasant. But, again, I got over it.

This latest episode started when my daughter and her family were here for the weekend. We went out and about quite a bit and it was an effort to keep up, I felt tired and lethargic. After they’d gone home, I quickly developed a severe cough which turned into a breathing problem. I went to the doctor, he detected a crackle in my right lung, diagnosed a bacterial infection and gave me some antibiotics. I’m still waiting for them to take full effect.

I also have a course of steroids to help with my asthma and the prospect of a review of my medication to look forward to, once I’ve shaken this off.

I’m now feeling exhausted from two months of illness and have little enthusiasm to do much at all. Especially writing, but I also have some decorating and gardening to do, as well as all the usual jobs that come with living.

Even more annoying is that the weather has been pretty good, I expect that it will rain once I feel well enough to venture out for non-essentials.

My editor is booked for April, to take a look at I Remember Everything, which should have been re-written from beta reader’s comments and my own ideas by then. With luck, the thought of an upcoming deadline will produce enough adrenaline to spur my immune system into getting me better.

Next week, in an effort to share some good news, there’s a reminder of a special offer.

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2 Responses

  1. Kay Castaneda

    I hope you get better soon Richard! It sounds like you’re doing everything possible to heal. Sometimes you just have to wait. Take care.

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