Making an Impression, a movie that stuck with me.

Welcome back to another blog hop, with #OpenBook. Here’s this week’s prompt.

Don’t forget to click the purple button to see what everyone else has to say on this week’s subject. It’s at the end of my post.

Is there a movie from childhood that still holds a special place with you? (One you saw as a kid, but isn’t necessarily a kid’s film).

The Original version of The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) is a film that sticks in my mind for several reasons. I think I must have first seen it on T.V. in the 1960s. In those days, the Apollo moon missions and all things space and science-related were a big part of the background of my childhood.

A lot of the Sci-fi that I watched in those days was produced by Gerry Anderson, shows such as Thunderbirds, Stingray or Captain Scarlet. I also remember a U.S. series called Lost in Space. And of course the early Star Trek episodes. These tended to be filled with action and (mostly) lacked an obviously deeper meaning, not that I particularly cared. At least until I watched this film.

Why? Read on.

In contrast, this film was far more cerebral and posed several interesting questions about aliens and their motives. It actually made me stop and think about quite a few things. Not least, where we were going as a race and our potential place in the scheme of things, not necessarily as the top dogs in the universe.

It certainly made me wonder how beings that were not of this Earth might view us and our development as a species.

Since then, I’ve watched it several times, as well as the 2008 remake, which told the same story with more emphasis on the action side and (I thought) lacked the subtlety of the original message.

I still get enjoyment and something new from the original version with every viewing. I’ve tried to watch the remake again but only got to about forty minutes and lost interest.

The film actually contains one of my all-time favourite lines, used in desperate circumstances to stop the destruction of the planet (no biggie then).

Gort. Klaatu Barada Nikto

I’ve also written a short story which I now realise was heavily influenced by the themes of the film. If you’re interested, you can download it to read by clicking here.

Here’s a little more about the movie, in case you’ve never had the pleasure.


If aliens came to save us, would we listen? That is the question posed by this much-loved science-fiction masterpiece. The well-intentioned Klaatu arrives on Earth in a flying saucer, accompanied by a huge silver robot, and tries to pass on his message of peace – but finds himself attacked and has to go into hiding. The message of the film – like Klaatu’s – is not a very complicated one, but it does arrive more subtly than you might expect from an old sci-fi film (even one as good as this).

If you haven’t already, you should really give this a watch next time it’s on, or pick up the DVD. I know it’s black and white but somehow the clever use of lighting and lack of colour just heightens the tension.

Until next time.

Let me know what you think about this week’s subject.

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12 Responses

    • Richard Dee

      It’s not over “sciencey”. It works on so many levels, I think he’d enjoy it.

  1. Leon Stevens

    Sci-fi movies were always a big draw for me. Still are, but the level of wonderment isn’t the same.

    • Richard Dee

      I don’t like the modern theme that suggests large explosions can solve every problem, I prefer the more cerebral approach. I think many old movies, because they couldn’t rely on special effects, had to get their point across in a different and often more enjoyable way.

  2. Daryl Devore

    I have heard of the movie, but have not viewed it. I can understand that the remake had more action – the older movies are considered “too slow”. That “slowness” can pull a person into a scene more than another exploding car.

    • Richard Dee

      It’s a shame, I love being able to think for myself and follow a well-developed plot, especially without the gratuitous pyrotechnics.

    • Richard Dee

      That approach leaves me cold, as does having everything explained to me as the story develops.

    • Richard Dee

      This one was a much more measured approach than Independence Day, the alien’s reactions were more like those of beings that can cross the Galaxy.

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