The Indie Showcase presents, Paul Nelson

There are some incredible indie authors out there, writing a wide variety of genres for many reasons. This weeks guest has a wonderful, uplifting story to tell. Over to you, Paul. In 2013, I became a widower with a teenage, … Continued


Did you miss me?

posted in: About me, News, Uncategorized, Writing | 6

Perhaps more pertinently, did you notice that I was away? It was just a short break, but I don’t mean to say that I actually went anywhere. I was stuck right here, you just couldn’t see me. My website crashed … Continued


The Indie Showcase presents, David H. Millar.

In high school, I was an A-student in history. Hence, my teacher was sorely disappointed when I took the road to science and later to management and consulting. Fifty years later, and with the fourth book in the Celtic historical … Continued


The Indie Showcase Presents, Michael Trelissic

I met this weeks guest at a talk I was giving in Exmouth. One of the new breed of self-published authors; I’m delighted to feature him on the Showcase. Over to you Michael. Reading through the features previously posted by … Continued


The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

When I was a small child, I was always told never to be boastful, never to shout about my successes. I’ve tried to live by this advice as much as possible, never show off or trumpet my achievements too much. … Continued
