The end, or is it? More thoughts on sequels

Almost as soon as I type The End on any project, whether it’s a short story or a full-length novel, the following happens, First – I decide that it’s not really finished and start working through the story again, changing … Continued


Blog hopping. So, you call this a system?

Welcome back to another blog hop, with #OpenBook. Here’s this week’s prompt. How do you keep track of the books you read? I would love to say that I have a beautiful system, honed by years of practice and backed … Continued


Refreshing my Amazon book pages. Part one, the description.

I have two ideas to refresh my books, in an effort to boost sales. I’m talking about the first one of them today. Some of my older titles are languishing and it’s time to bring them up to date. I … Continued


The Indie Showcase presents, Deborah Stansil.

Please welcome this week’s guest to the Showcase. A Day in the Life of a Writer I’d like to start by thanking Richard for having me. And then I guess I should introduce myself. I’m Debbie, an author, ghostwriter, course … Continued


Blog hopping. Some of my favourite resources on the web.

Welcome back to another blog hop, with #OpenBook. Here’s this week’s prompt. What are your favourite writing-related blogs? Despite having had a presence on the web since 2011, I still consider myself to be a relative newbie at this blogging … Continued
