The next one in line. My Sister Alex.

Following my completion of The Safety of the Realm, I wondered what to do next. I had five possibilities, half-written stories that I wanted to get finished. After playing around with them for a few days, to see what inspiration … Continued


A taste of China. To go.

Welcome back to another blog hop, with #OpenBook. Here’s this week’s prompt. Don’t forget to click the purple button to see what everyone else has to say on this week’s subject. It’s at the end of my post. What do … Continued


Book Review. Missing Boy, by Michelle Kidd.

posted in: Independent Author, indie, Review | 0

This week’s review is of the first book in a crime thriller series. It’s from an author that I’ve just discovered. As many of you will know, I write crime mysteries. Unlike this one, they’re not police procedural. Instead of … Continued


The future is Automatic. George knew.

Welcome back to another blog hop, with #OpenBook. Here’s this week’s prompt. Don’t forget to click the purple button to see what everyone else has to say on this week’s subject. It’s at the end of my post. Have you … Continued


My latest novel, I Remember Everything, will be published on Saturday.

It hardly seems possible but my nineteenth novel will hit the virtual shelves on Saturday, July the first. I never thought it would happen but the ideas just seem to keep coming, faster than I can get them finished. I … Continued


My perfect writing location

Welcome back to another blog hop, with #OpenBook. Here’s this week’s prompt. Don’t forget to click the purple button to see what everyone else has to say on this week’s subject. It’s at the end of my post. Describe what … Continued


Jack of all trades, master of some.

Welcome back to another blog hop, with #OpenBook. Here’s this week’s prompt. Don’t forget to click the purple button to see what everyone else has to say on this week’s subject. It’s at the end of my post. Besides writing, … Continued
