You’re my Hero

Welcome back to another blog hop, with #OpenBook. Here’s this week’s prompt.

Don’t forget to click the purple button to see what everyone else has to say on this week’s subject. It’s at the end of my post.

Is there a literary character you identify with? (not one of your own).

I have a problem here. And it’s all self-inflicted. Because I read and write in several different genres, I find it hard to choose which one is my favourite. And, which character in any of the books I’ve read is how I see myself.

I guess I’m an amalgamation of several.

The first would be Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple. Now I know I’m male but it’s the persona, not the physical form that I can relate to. The slightly baffled and harmless appearance concealing the analytical mind and the ability to see things from another angle are useful traits. I can manage the first, I’m working on the second.

Then, there’s Hober Mallow, Master Trader. You might not recognise him, he’s a character in Asimov’s Foundation. He gets a bigger role in Series Two of the T.V. adaptation than he had in the books, which I think amplifies how Asimov wanted him to be thought of when he wrote him. A trader, he’s a person who roams the galaxy, looking for profit. He’s usually one step away from trouble.  I think I identify with him because he reminds me of my earlier life, working on the Oceans.

Truth is, I invariably associate myself with the characters in any book that I enjoy. And not necessarily the main players, I have a fascination for the peripheral ones too. Especially if there’s a hint of mystery about them. I can’t help but imagine more about them, their back story and what other adventures they might have.

How about you? Who in fiction do you identify with? Please comment below, then head on over to see what the other contributors to this bloghop have to say on the subject.

Until next time.

Let me know what you think about this week’s subject.

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6 Responses

    • Richard Dee

      It’s always handy to be underestimated. My Character Andorra Pett has mastered the art.

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