I always find it interesting to see what people put in their reviews.
It seems that they find things in what I’ve written that I hadn’t thought of, connections and meanings that never occurred to me when I was writing.
Because, as I’ve said before, I don’t really make these stories up. I just watch a film in my head and type what I see. There’s no planning, no motive to my stories. I don’t have an agenda, an axe to grind.
What I do is no different to anyone watching a programme on T.V. and putting into words on a page what they saw happen. They’re not the screenwriter, merely copying, or writing a report, like I am. They wouldn’t consider claiming the credit for it. The fact that I’m the only person watching, on a screen in my head, is irrelevant.
So, when someone tells me what it all means to them, I have to stand back and wonder at what I’ve done to prompt that response.
For instance, when I watched the movie that became The Hitman and the Thief, I saw a planet called Fallop. It had particular circumstances that were required by the plot. Fallop has prompted a lot of comment in reviews, about how it’s allegorical of countries on Earth and what the message of its inclusion in the story is.
I read them and it surprises me, because that was never the intention. As far as I was concerned, Fallop was just a place that a part of the story happened on. It needed to be as it was to progress the tale, nothing more. There is no conscious message in it, no attempt to push an agenda on my part.
Life and Other Dreams, my dual time adventure, is full of connections between the two timelines. Obviously, there are supposed to be. It’s part of the story. The thing is, people have pointed several out to me that I don’t recall writing, or even noticing that they were there at the time. Which is weird, to say the least.
The planet Reevis and the novel Ribbonworld had the same reactions. Apparently, it’s a deeply meaningful and significant place and story in the context of what’s going on in the real world.
If you want to think so, that’s fine. It was never my intention.
I guess that it’s good that I’m encouraging people to think and it’s great to read comments and find out what it all means to them.
I suppose that books are very much like paintings. Every person who sees a picture interprets it in their own way. Science tells us that we all perceive colours differently.
Books must do the same thing, as there are as many interpretations of the text as there are readers.
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That is the magic of storytelling! Your words touched their soul and resonated with something from their memories. Powerful stuff indeed.
Richard Dee
It does give me a buzz!