Sometimes, you have to listen to your body.

2023 started off with such high hopes.

We spent a wonderful couple of days at my daughter’s house celebrating a late Christmas and drove back home on the 3rd of January.

I had so many plans for January, as I mentioned before there are three stories that I’m very close to finishing, plus a couple of new ideas that were bubbling around in my head.

As I drove home, I was excited about getting to grips with all of them.

I spent Wednesday tidying my office and setting things up ready for the new start that I had planned.

The following day, I woke up and it felt like I’d been hit by a truck, I had contracted some sort of flu or other viral illness and I felt absolutely wretched. I certainly didn’t feel like doing anything much when it came to writing new content, even social media posts.

I just wanted to do absolutely nothing. After 24 hours, I felt even worse and was joined on the sick list by Yvonne.

The good thing was that I had the beta version of I Remember Everything ready to launch. The social media posts were written, documents uploaded and everything had been sorted out well in advance. All I had to do was announce the fact that the beta was live and sit back while people downloaded their copies. Everyone could beta read to their heart’s content, my presence wasn’t required.

For more than a week now I’ve been feeling progressively better and then worse on an alternate daily basis. Just when I think I’m feeling pretty good I’ll try and do something; a couple of minutes of mild exercise will set me off so I know I’m not quite right yet. I can tell that I’m getting better though, as I’m now starting to get frustrated from wanting to be able to do things and not quite being able to manage them.

Though it irks me, I’ve had to take notice of my body and stop doing much for the moment.

I’m using this enforced downtime to try and get my head around what I’m going to do when I actually feel like doing something. As well as the books I need to finish, there’s a subscribers newsletter to write for February and all the other outstanding jobs that come with my author persona.

Until I feel better, everything will just have to wait.

I’d love to get your comments, please leave them below. While you’re here, why not take a look around? There are some freebies and lots more content, about me, my writing and everything else that I do. You can join my newsletter for a free novella and more news by clicking this link.


6 Responses

  1. Marje

    sorry to hear Richard. Hope you feel better soon. By the way have made progress on beta read and will be in touch. Take care, Marje

    • Richard Dee

      Thanks, improvement is slow but steady. I’m looking forward to your thoughts on I Remember Everything.

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