July the first is the big day for my nineteenth novel.
I’m waiting for the return of my edited manuscript. I’m hoping that there won’t be too much to do to get it finished. Just to be on the safe side, I’ve set a release date which allows me a bit of flexibility. Now that is done, pre-orders are possible. The whole production process for ebook and paperback will shortly be swinging into life.
For pre-orders, the price will be £1.99 ($2.99) for the ebook version, delivered on July 1st. The paperback edition will, hopefully, be available a little before that, to allow for ARC reviews to be left.
You may have seen the posts about the release on Facebook, if not, here is the description.

A psychological thriller.
It’s the big question. Where do we go, when it’s all over?
What happens to our unfinished business?
At 20:08, Detective Ian Gisbon is murdered.
At the same instant as he dies, on the other side of the country, Suzan Halford is born.
Nobody could have guessed that locked in her head is the key to unmasking Ian’s killer.
All Suzan has to do is grow up and remember it.
Before she’s aware of her knowledge, a chance discovery sets an unstoppable chain of events in motion, and Suzan’s life spirals out of control.
What’s happening is impossible, it’s destroying her family. And driving her crazy.
There’s only one person she can turn to, the only one who can help. But they’ve been gone for years. Finding them will mean that justice can finally be done.
Here are some of the comments the ARC has received from my beta readers.
Cracking plot! I knew I would enjoy this from the blurb
What I particularly liked was that it isn’t just a standard reincarnation plot. You’ve managed to create something quite different.
Very imaginative and a great story.
This is a really strong book. Took me by surprise.
You can see more comments at
The story behind the story.
The whole thing came from my childhood, as do so many of my ideas. As an only child, although I had friends, I was on my own a lot. I had an imaginary friend, who I used to talk to when nobody else was around. My parents knew and while they didn’t discourage me, they never let me get away with blaming them for anything naughty that I might have done. I lost touch with them as I grew up, I guess that I didn’t need them anymore.
Without giving too much away, the whole idea for the novel comes from that part of my childhood, enhanced for dramatic effect with a few twists and turns.
And a short extract.
I was shaking when I woke, in my room, in the dark. The dream had felt so real, as if I had been there, on that night. The scary thing was that it felt like I had been seeing things through the eyes of the man in the picture. I knew he was a policeman, my waking mind told me that my dream must have been brought on by seeing the newspaper in the box and reading about him in the article. My imagination had made a story up and the dream was my subconscious mind acting it out.
I lay in bed and shook; I could feel myself sweating and suddenly felt cold.
I guess I must have shouted something as I woke; the door crashed open, making me jump again and my mother came rushing into the room. “Suzan, are you alright?” she shouted, her voice full of concern. She lay on the bed and hugged me. “You called out, you’re sweating,” she said. “Do you feel ill?”
“I’m OK, Mum,” I said. “It was just a bad dream.”
She stroked my hair. “Poor you, do you want to talk about it?”
The idea of going through it all again scared me. “No, I’m OK now.”
“Well, if you need us, you know where we are.”
She hugged me for a moment, kissed my head and went back to her bedroom. I could hear a muttered conversation, my father asking what the matter was, my mother’s reassurance that it was just a nightmare.
I was almost frightened to go back to sleep, the power of the mind to make a story out of a picture on a scrap of paper had amazed and frightened me. But I must have, the next thing I remembered was the sun shining on my face through a gap in the curtains and the smell of bacon frying.
Finally, the all-important pre-order link, don’t forget, the pre-order price is just £1.99 ($2.99), that’s less than a takeaway coffee!

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