2023’s NaNoWriMo is over, now things get serious.

NaNoWriMo is a month-long creative writing challenge that takes place every November.

NaNoWriMo is over for another year.

In the end, I managed to write 57338 new words of Where’s Lizzie? in November. These were added to the 5847 words of notes and ideas that I had before I started.

Here’s my official NaNoWriMo winner’s Certificate.

The manuscript is now with my editor, whilst I eagerly (and nervously) await her verdict. She will be the first person to set eyes on the full story, so it’s the moment of truth. Have I wasted a month or is there enough in what I’ve written to make into a novel?

More to the point, is it any good, does she think that people will want to read it?

I’ll have to wait and see. I think it’s a good story, comments on the chapter I sent out as a taster have been mostly positive.

If you missed it, you can read part of Chapter One here.

When I get the corrected copy back, I can address all the points raised and rewrite it as necessary.

I usually add at least ten thousand more words in the rewrite, as new ideas spring up, based on thoughts I’ve had in the meantime (I keep a list) and prompts from the corrections.

When that’s all done, I’ll produce an eBook and offer it to my beta team, newsletter subscribers and anyone else who might be interested. That will be for January or February.

If they like it, I will attend to any corrections or improvements that they suggest, before returning it to my editor for a final polish. I will then set up eBook and paperback versions and upload them to Amazon, with a release date.

Meanwhile, I’ve been getting on with the important job of producing graphics for the book. I already have a front cover and the start of a blurb that I think can be developed.

A Psychological Thriller.

He was only away for an hour, he left his wife and baby daughter in their broken-down car, parked in a layby.

When he returned, his car had moved. Now it was against a tree, a mile further down the road.

His wife had hit her head and lost her memory.

Worse than that, his one-year-old daughter was missing from the back seat.

It’s time to begin design work on the full paperback wrap.

And create promo slides, some with hooks, which can be exchanged for beta reader’s comments to be inserted.

As for publication, if I get positive feedback and decide to go ahead, that will be in April/May next year.

If you’d like to be included in the list of beta readers, let me know by commenting below.

Why not comment below and give me your thoughts?

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2 Responses

    • Richard Dee

      Thanks. I find the deadline makes me stop procrastinating and actually DO something. The cover captures what I wanted to get across about the content.

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