Yippee! I’ve finished another masterpiece. Is it time to party?

Welcome back to another blog hop, with #OpenBook. Here’s this week’s prompt.

Don’t forget to click the purple button to see what everyone else has to say on this week’s subject. It’s at the end of my post.

Do you have a special way of celebrating when you finish writing a book? Or other achievements in your journey? How do you reward yourself?

It all depends. It’s not always as simple as running out of things to say and writing THE END. Followed by sitting back with a large glass of something cool while waiting for the royalties to roll in.

Let me explain.

If the story is a part of a series, I don’t always know when I’ve finished one part. I can get so deeply involved that the story just keeps on coming. It’s not until I’m writing a scene that I realise that it actually forms part of a new adventure. I then have to go back and see where I can call a halt on one part and start calling what I’ve written a new story.

All of my series were intended to be stand-alone stories. Somehow, they grew and kept on growing.

With stand-alone novels, it’s easier. Although there is still the temptation to carry on, there’s usually a defined point at which you can call the story complete.

To return to the topic, I don’t celebrate much. None of my family are interested in my writing journey, so there isn’t anyone to celebrate with.

The one thing that would cause me immense pleasure would be to finish any story without having continual thoughts of a potential sequel, prequel, spin-off or episodic serial featuring one or more of the characters or locations.

Now that would be worth celebrating.

I do allow myself a feeling of satisfaction for once again proving my English teachers wrong whenever I finish any piece of writing.

Even if it’s only a drabble.

You see, I was always told that I was incapable of stringing words together in any sort of sensible order. It stopped me from writing for years.

Yet I seem to manage it with some sort of regularity.

If they’re up there, somewhere, watching, I hope they feel guilty for stopping me from releasing my creativity for so long.

What do you think about this week’s subject?

Let me know below.

Then, please check out what my fellow writers have to say about this week’s topic.

Until next time.

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8 Responses

  1. Steven Smith

    I’m with you. I still see writing as a hobby. I don’t celebrate finishing a LEGO set or video game, so don’t do anything massive for finishing a book. It does leave a sense of satisfaction though.

    • Richard Dee

      I really miss my characters at the end of a story. If things have turned out well for them, I celebrate that.

  2. Stevie Turner

    Glad that you proved your English teachers wrong! If only I could prove my Maths teacher wrong, but unfortunately I can’t.

    • Richard Dee

      Maths I can manage, it uses a different part of my autistic brain.

    • Richard Dee

      Indeed, I look at the paperbacks with my name on, in a row on my bookshelf and feel quietly proud of my achievement.

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