The Indie Showcase presents, Kathy Shuker

Please welcome this weeks guest to the Showcase. Hi. First, a thank you to Richard for inviting me onto his showcase. I’ve had a varied career. A creative child, I used to read and draw endlessly, and I was musical … Continued


The Hardest Part of all. Blog Hopping.

Welcome to another blog hop, with #OpenBook. Here’s this week’s prompt. What was your hardest scene to write? Writing Sci-fi, about things that have never happened, usually in a place that doesn’t even exist can be hard work. Surprisingly, you … Continued


The Indie Showcase presents, Barbara Spencer.

Please welcome this weeks guest. How I wrote one book and ended up with five The Series: Children of Zeus ‘Where Historical Fiction and Fantasy collide’ After a decade or more writing for children and young adults, I pretty much … Continued


Let’s talk about the weather, Blog Hopping

Here’s this week’s prompt. Despite the recent snow in the Rocky Mountains, it’s summer in the Northern Hemisphere. Do your stories and worlds reference seasons and do they play into the plots of your books? Another week, another prompt to … Continued


The Indie Showcase presents – Janice Spina

A very warm welcome to my guest this week, please tell us your story, Janice. Thank you, Richard, for this opportunity to be featured on your blog. Let me tell your readers a little about myself. I have been writing … Continued
