Historical Fiction vs The Truth

Welcome back to another blog hop, with #OpenBook. Here’s this week’s prompt. What are the ethics of writing about historical figures? I must admit, I had a bit of a block with this week’s topic. I’m not a writer of … Continued


The long and the short of it.

Another week has passed in self-isolation here in Devon. Things are carrying on much the same. My children are still working in hospitals, and we are still worrying about them. This week, instead of filling the post with details of … Continued


Five Pet hates

Welcome back to another blog hop, with #OpenBook. Here’s this week’s prompt. What are your top five writing mistakes? Either mistakes you make or mistakes that make you cringe when you see them in print? First, some of the ones … Continued


Why I can never finish writing one novel at a time.

Another week has passed in self-isolation here in Devon. Things are carrying on much the same. My children are still working in hospitals, and we are still worrying about them. This week, instead of filling the post with details of … Continued


The Indie Showcase presents, Darlene Foster

Please welcome this week’s guest to the Showcase. Keeping a Series Fresh I didn´t plan to write a series. I had an idea to write a book about a young girl who longs for travel and adventure and ends up … Continued


History is Bunk, said Henry Ford (maybe).

Welcome back to another blog hop, with #OpenBook. Here’s this week’s prompt. How soon is too soon to include a real-life event in a fictional story? I certainly don’t want to be reminded about this year’s events for quite a … Continued
