Reblogging. Your First Bad Review

Let’s spread the word. Reblogged from Anne R. Allen The bad review, we all get them. It took me seven years and umpteen books but I finally got my first one star review last week. Not that I haven’t tried … Continued


Henry meets his Match

The upcoming audiobook of my Space Opera Ribbonworld will be narrated by Stephen Bungay, a very talented Canadian narrator who I consider myself lucky to have found. Naturally, as we worked on the project, we discussed many things. I told … Continued


You’re all my favourites!

Welcome back to another blog hop, with #OpenBook. Here’s this week’s prompt. What are your favourite kind of characters to create? To read? I love to create a fish out of water character. By that I mean ordinary people thrust … Continued


The Indie Showcase presents, Debra Purdy Kong

Please welcome this week’s guest to the Showcase. Marketing and Promoting in a COVID-19 World As writers know all too well, the pandemic has created new challenges when it comes to promoting and marketing books. In my community, two colleagues … Continued


Two (More) Great Book Promotions

Organised by Bookfunnel, here are some great opportunities to add to your lockdown library. Bare feet in June. Myra is just one of the books on offer in this KU promotion, follow the link to see what’s on offer. … Continued
