The ghosts of NaNoWriMo past. 2018

To continue my series of posts about NaNoWriMo, this week I’m telling you about my 2018 project. I had an idea for a Steampunk novel, in the style of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. It would be set in Norlandia, … Continued


The ghosts of NaNoWriMo past. 2017

Welcome to the third of my retrospective NaNoWriMo posts, we’re now up to 2017. Unlike 2016, this year there was no short story to base my attempt on. I was starting from scratch. As well as Andorra Pett and the … Continued


The ghosts of NaNoWriMo past. 2016

Welcome back to my trip through the NaNo projects of the past. This time, I’m looking at 2016. I didn’t attempt NaNo in 2015, I was otherwise engaged in adjusting to life after work, as I mentioned last week. My … Continued


Noms de Plume, what’s in a name.

Welcome back to another blog hop, with #OpenBook. Here’s this week’s prompt. Don’t forget to click the purple button to see what everyone else has to say. Did you write under a pseudonym? Why? Yes, I do. Even though my … Continued


It’s that time of the year again. The veil grows thin. Flash Fiction for Halloween.

Once again, it’s time to feature a short story for Halloween. I wrote The Veil for a Circle of Spears performance at the Museum of Witchcraft in Boscastle. back in 2016. They left the subject up to me, but I … Continued


Ploughing the fields. Gardener’s Worlds.

Welcome back to another blog hop, with #OpenBook. Here’s this week’s prompt. Don’t forget to click the purple button to see what everyone else has to say. Do any of your characters garden? Or keep houseplants? How about you? What … Continued


All calm on the surface.

There always seems to be so much to do. You might think that a writer’s life is easy. You just sit around waiting for inspiration, type a few words here and there, then watch as the royalties roll in. Actually, … Continued
