The Curse of Exposure.

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As a science-fiction novelist, and a proudly self-published one, I’m fortunate in having plenty of ideas for new projects. Plots present in observation of life, often I will remember a dream and that will set me going. If it doesn’t … Continued



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“Ideas are like rabbits, you get a couple and learn how to handle them and pretty soon you have a dozen. –  John Steinbeck. Inspiration is a funny thing, it can strike when we are least expecting it and it … Continued


My Video Interview

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As part of the Myra book launch, I was interviewed by Tracey Norman, here is the result   [KGVID][/KGVID]


Indie Author Tips

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Hi everybody, today I have a few tips for authors who exist in a community of the same. The reason I’ve done this is because often, in some circles, authors would rather lie to somebody to receive positive feedback than … Continued
