I’d like to thank you all for your support.

Welcome back to another blog hop, with #OpenBook. Here’s this week’s prompt. Do your family and friends support your career as a writer? To be honest, most of them can’t believe that I write anything at all. Because of that, … Continued


Two new audiobooks, two coming soon

At the moment, I have eight audiobooks in the system at ACX, six published, one proceeding through quality control and one in production. And I’m planning to get more made. Anyhow, I thought you might like to hear the samples … Continued


Setting the scene, without sending the reader to sleep.

Welcome back to another blog hop, with #OpenBook. Here’s this week’s prompt. What’s your best technique for working around backstory dumps? I try to avoid information dumping. When I’m reading for pleasure, I hate reading anything that feels like a … Continued


Coming Soon. Steampunk adventures in Steven Smith’s “Chasing Shadows.”

What I love about Steampunk, is the way that, by choosing which of today’s technology to include, and how it might be used, you can create a world that is completely logical, yet like nowhere else. Steven Smith is a … Continued


How do YOU do it?

Welcome back to another blog hop, with #OpenBook. Here’s this week’s prompt. What software do you use for your writing? Bookkeeping? Artwork? Calendar? Every job has its unsung hero, the thing that nobody notices but without which, the whole enterprise … Continued


Where do we go from here? Knowing when to stop.

Also known as quitting while you’re winning. Before you get all excited, no I’m not giving up writing completely. I don’t know if you’ve noticed it, but there comes a time in any series when you can tell that it … Continued


Do you stick to writing in one genre, or do you mix it up?

Welcome back to another blog hop, with #OpenBook. Here’s this week’s prompt. Is there a genre you would never try to write? Why? Considering that up to about eight years ago, I never thought I would write anything, it’s all … Continued


Getting back on the horse.

Since the end of November, I’ve written very little. A lot was going on in my real life (like everyone’s) and it had to take priority over writing. Now that relative calm has descended, at least for a while, I’m … Continued
