What things may come? A gaze into my crystal ball.

Welcome back to another blog hop, with #OpenBook. Here’s this week’s prompt.

Don’t forget to click the purple button to see what everyone else has to say on this week’s subject. It’s at the end of my post.

Hi, everyone and welcome back to the blog hop. I hope your festive season was filled with happiness.

Here’s the first prompt of the new year.

Do you have any predictions as to what will change in writing/in the world in general in the new year?

Despite what you may think, I hate doing things like this. As a person who writes Sci-fi, I suppose you would expect that I’m used to looking into a possible future.

But, and this is a BIG one, I have the option of creating that future. I can make it what I want. I generally choose hope, not the absolute triumph of good over evil but a future where things are better. I love to escape into this future world, I find the world of the present bland and uninspiring, where conformity is king and things never seem to improve for the majority of people.

Enough, I have a task and I will get on with it.

In no particular order:-

I think this year will see the continual rise of A.I. as it extends its grip on all the digital things that we consume. Whether or not you think it’s a good thing (I don’t, but then I’ve watched and read a lot of dystopian Sci-fi), it’s here to stay and we need to control it properly, not just blindly do it because we can.

Sadly, I see no end to conflict, hunger, poverty or inequality. Also, with elections in both the U.K. and the U.S.A. imminent, I’m frustrated that there is no clear option that will make things better.

Instead of genuine action to improve our collective lot, I only see vested interests and prevarication everywhere I look. The truth is distorted to fit an agenda and fake news attempts to control and shape our lives.

I’m sorry, that’s all getting a little bit depressing. As an alternative, what I would like to see is everyone in power just being honest, accepting their differences and working together to solve our problems.

I’m doing what I can. If we all do that – who knows where it might lead?

What about you, how do you think the new year will pan out?

Let me know below, then check out what my fellow writers have to say on the subject.

Until next time.

Let me know what you think about this week’s subject.

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Now see what the other blogs in this hop have to say by clicking below.

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8 Responses

  1. Stevie Turner

    ‘Honest’ doesn’t go with those in power these days, and they all seem to end up with awards, knighthoods, and large payoffs.

  2. Snapdragon

    I think with the rise of books being written by AI there will be an uptake in people buying physical books. People in power will never change. The lying and deceitfulness is what got them into power to begin with.

    • Richard Dee

      It upsets me to know that my efforts have probably been used, without my permission, to help create something that seeks to replace me. A.I. is a powerful thing, with great possibilities for good in so many fields. It doesn’t deserve to be wasted.

  3. P.J. MacLayne

    I had this conversation with a friend the other day. The little bit we can do as an individual may not seem like much. But if you add all those little bits together, it can become something big.

    • Richard Dee

      I just hope that more people can see it as a better way forward, before it’s too late.

  4. Lela Markham

    Sounds like you’re a solar punk fan.

    Here in the States, the Democrats are refusing any good options. The Republicans have a couple, but they have to actually win some primaries to get close to the nomination.

    Politicians may not start out as liars, but they inevitably end up lying — all the time, about everything.

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