Welcome to the new Normal

Another week has passed in self-isolation here in Devon. People on our street, who we see while having coffee in the garden and shout out the news to (from a safe distance) all say the same thing. When this is … Continued


My favourite (Blogging) things

Welcome back to another blog hop, with #OpenBook. Here’s this week’s prompt. What are the best tools you use on your blog? (widgets, templates, etc.) I remember the good old days. I started blogging way back in 2011, on Blogger. … Continued


Week three update, I have some big news.

Another week has passed in self-isolation here in Devon. What can I tell you? A pretty good routine has been established. We both do things we enjoy, I write while Yvonne sews, knits and crochets. I guess we’re lucky, we’re … Continued


Another week has passed

Another week has passed in self-isolation here in Devon. What have I learned so far? That we are a lot better off than we think. I hear that my daughter (the midwife) is having trouble getting food delivered where she … Continued


When you have to bring the curtain down

Welcome back to another blog hop, with #OpenBook. Here’s this week’s prompt. How do you feel about killing off one of your major characters? As I was writing, I knew it was coming. Then it arrived. This was the bit … Continued


Other things on my mind

There have been some changes, some good, some not so. In my little corner of England, everyone is talking to each other more, from a safe distance. We shout over the garden fence, exchange more conversation on our infrequent trips … Continued


Never Have I Ever…

In place of the #OpenBook blog hop, I’m actually taking part in another one today. I spotted this writer tag on Marie Lavender’s blog, and I thought I’d jump in too! It was a chance to share a few facts about … Continued
