The Indie Showcase Presents, Val Portelli

Please welcome this week’s guest to the Showcase. Being of a contrary nature, I was tempted to put the ‘About Me’ bit at this end, but as Richard has been so hospitable, I’d better not cause him any more problems. … Continued


Ego and Me, Blog Hopping.

It’s time for another Blog Hop, with #OpenBook. Here’s this week’s prompt. Does a big ego help or hurt writers? According to my dictionary, your ego is your conscious mind, the part of your identity that you consider your “self.” If you … Continued


Survive. Publication Day.

Survive is out today. As you might have noticed, I don’t indulge in lots of self-promotion but I thought that you might be interested to read a little of the background to the story. It all started with my novel … Continued


The Indie Showcase presents, Gail Aldwin

Please welcome my latest guest to the Showcase. Working with independent presses Thank you for inviting me to your site, Richard. I’ve been writing seriously since 2009 and as for all authors, there have been many ups and downs during … Continued


Open Book Blog Hop. I’ve started…….

Welcome to another Bloghop, here’s this week’s prompt. Why would you, as an author/reader, abandon (stop reading) someone else’s book? A bit of a contentious one this week. Warning, there may be a small rant! Personally, I try to complete … Continued
