Is it Cats, or Dogs? Or both?

Welcome back to another blog hop, with #OpenBook. Here’s this week’s prompt.

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Big internet fight: Are you team cat or team dog? (or something else?)

Another short post, my apologies. In my defence, my NaNoWriMo project is taking up so much of my free time that I’m finding it hard to concentrate on much else. And, being November, there is so much non-writing stuff to do as well, as the festive season approaches.

I used to think that I was team cat, we always had cats when I was growing up, I loved their independence and general attitude to life.

All that changed when I was a lot older. We acquired a rescue Labrador. She was such a lovely creature, so gentle with my children that I was almost tempted to transfer my allegiance.

I say almost because we still had cats, the dog soon learned that the cats were in charge. In fact, they bossed her about, which she accepted with calm and resignation.

For the next twenty years, our house was filled with a mixture of cats and dogs. For a time, my wife was involved as an assistance dog trainer, which meant regular new arrivals and heartbreak when they departed.

Both species rubbed along reasonably well and I came to learn that the dog’s apparent tolerance of the cats was because they liked a quiet life and were quite happy to let the cats appear to be in charge.

To sum up, I love both cats and dogs, they both bring different qualities, complement each other and complete a home.

Until next time.

Let me know what you think about this week’s subject.

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12 Responses

    • Richard Dee

      I never thought I would like dogs as much as I did, I miss them all terribly.

    • Richard Dee

      That’s fine, I don’t miss the smell of damp dogs one bit. Or walks in the pouring rain.

    • Richard Dee

      Its the unconditional love you get from dogs, as opposed to the mock indifference from cats.

    • Richard Dee

      They like to be the boss, that’s for sure. Ours didn’t wait, as soon as a new dog entered the house, the cat would run up to it and whack it on the nose.

  1. Lela Markham

    You know what some famous person whose name I’ve forgotten said – to be well-rounded, a man needs a dog to worship the ground he walks on and a cat to let him know the universe is indifferent to him.

    • Richard Dee

      They also say, “A Dog looks up at you, A Cat looks down on you and a Pig looks you straight between the eyes.”

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