Blog Hopping, Critical resources

What are the most important resources for writers? (Magazines, books, websites, etc.) I must confess to being somewhat confused. Clearly there are some important writers resources missing from the prompt. How about that most vital of resources, coffee? Not forgetting … Continued


The Indie Showcase presents, R.M. Garino.

Please welcome this week’s guest, a writer of fantasy. How now folks. I’m R.M. Garino, the author of the Chaos of Souls Series. Ever wish you could bring your D&D characters to life? Well, that’s exactly what we did. Although the … Continued


Blog Hopping, Please welcome Andorra Pett.

It’s been a while since we’ve done this. Interview one of your characters. Introduce them to a new audience or give existing readers new insight into their motivations. Way back in 2916 I wrote a short story, called Andorra Pett … Continued
