How many novels do I have in Progress? Just the four.

This week, I’m talking about my current writing to-do list.

It’s not getting any shorter, quite the opposite.

It’s just the way my mind works. I have a very short attention span and a bunch of noisy narrators in my head. Sometimes it’s like being at a very exuberant party. The people in my head who’re narrating these stories shout and argue, jostle to be heard. Then, for no apparent reason, the noisiest one just shuts up.

It can be that the story they were telling has reached a natural end, but that’s not always the case.

It’s all very confusing.

It also helps explain why I have so many unfinished projects. The voice in my head, the one that was narrating a particular story, just stopped. Leaving me with up to 30-40,000 words and no idea what happens next. Hence, there are no sequels to at least four novels and several series are missing a continuation.

I’ve learned that all I can do is leave it and wait, to see if they ever come back. One or two have, but it’s not guaranteed. Meanwhile, new narrators and stories appear. The whole cycle continues.

So, where does that leave me? If you ignore the prompt-based tales and other short stories, I currently have four novels that I’m working on. They all have between 10 and 20,000 words written. I’m jumping about between them, writing a chapter or so at a time, which can be a bit disorientating. Fortunately, they’re all very different.

Let me tell you about them. With my current concept art.

First, there’s Kalyn’s Crew. This is the second set of adventures for Kalyn Deere. Following on from where we left off last time, Kalyn and her friends have more cases to deal with, as well as the ongoing search for Kalyn’s father and the reason he left.

Then, there’s Another Rainy Night in Helcon City. This one’s a Sci-fi/Crime mashup with a Noir feel. It’s going to be similar in style to a novel I wrote called Ribbonworld. This poster says it all.

Next, a tale of first contact. When their spaceship is destroyed, one of the survivors from its crew has to come to terms with a new situation, far beyond his wildest dreams.

This story was originally called All By Myself, now I’m not so sure. It doesn’t fit the way that things have turned out. I had thought of Disaster Strikes as a possible alternative but that’s not really suitable either. So it’s currently untitled.

Finally, Ripples is a story that demonstrates how everything’s connected. Even in the far future and half a Galaxy away, it’s important to remember that what we do affects more than we realise.

When a homeless man sees a way out, and a chance to be rich, he’s eager to get started. But, he’s not prepared for the consequences of his actions.

Providing the voices don’t get bored, I would hope to get them all done this year.

That’s always assuming that I don’t get any more ideas, or voices that shout over every other narrator.

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