To be read, the ever-increasing list.

Welcome back to another blog hop, with #OpenBook. Here’s this week’s prompt.

Don’t forget to click the purple button to see what everyone else has to say on this week’s subject. It’s at the end of my post.

Is there a book in your TBR pile that you’re more excited about than the others?

I hate the phrase TBR pile. It suggests some kind of plan, a stack of books patiently waiting in line.

An orderly procession. Where reading a certain book becomes almost predictable.

My reading life isn’t like that. Physical books are piled, willy-nilly in my study, as well as those stored on the Kindle app on my phone. Not forgetting the pdf and other document files I have ready to read.

When it comes to reading anything, I have a policy.

Right at the top of my TBR list are always new releases and advance copies of work by indie authors. I’m always excited to see these, as they tend to be on subjects and themes that trad publishing wouldn’t touch. Titles get added to this list almost at random and the order will suddenly change if I spot one that really takes my fancy.

Then there are the authors who get in touch with me about a new release. If they’re looking for a review or blog post about it, I will always find space for them.

The one thing I do without fail is ensure that, if I’ve promised to read someone’s work, I do. Especially if I have agreed to post a review.

Then, if I have any time left over, I turn to the stack of trad books.

However, there are a couple of traditionally published authors that I always grab the new releases from. Jodi Picoult and Barbara Erskine. I know that they are usually stories that I will enjoy. But even they will have to wait their turn.

It’s a very flexible thing, my T.B.R. list.

What do you think about this week’s subject?

Let me know below.

Then, please check out what my fellow writers have to say about this week’s topic.

Until next time.

Let me know what you think about this week’s subject.

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10 Responses

  1. Stevie Turner

    Yes, I too have a mix of traditional and Indie on my TBR list. I pick a book that I most fancy reading at the time. Sometimes I start reading more than one and chop and change.

    • Richard Dee

      Yes, I can often have a few on the go. Somehow, I manage to keep track.

  2. Darlene Foster

    I like Barbara Erskine too. Ever since I read The Lady of Hay, which was amazing. I have one waiting on the “pile”, The House of Echoes. Have you read that one?

    • Richard Dee

      The book scene is like a sweetshop, full of distractions and gems.

  3. Snapdragon

    I don’t like tbrs. Generally have a plan of what to read next then a book randomly comes alone and shoves itself first in line.

    • Richard Dee

      I’m with you. I have various piles of books and read them in no particular order.

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