The Indie Showcase presents, Paulette Mahurin

Please welcome another author with an important message. Why Not Tolerance? I’ve been writing about intolerance for the better part of this year, writing about bigotry, persecution, prejudice and hatred.  For the sake of clarity, I want to define tolerance … Continued


Blog hopping, let’s talk about sex.

Have I got your attention? Good, here’s this weeks prompt, from the Open Book blog hop. What’s the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex? To a certain extent, I think that the gender of your character … Continued


The Indie Showcase presents, Paula Harmon.

Please welcome another author with a tale to tell. Under my spare bed are several boxes full of bits of my writing, complete or otherwise, going back rather more years than I care to tell you. One item is a … Continued


Talking Finance, Blog Hopping.

I’m back on the blog hop again, here’s this weeks prompt. What was the best money you ever spent as a writer? An interesting prompt this week, and one which is not quite as simple to answer as you might … Continued


The Indie Showcase presents, Sharon Marchisello

As long as I can remember, I knew I was a writer. Even before I could put pencil to paper, I entertained myself with stories after my parents tucked me into bed, extinguished the lights, and ordered me to sleep. … Continued


Let me tell you a Secret, Blog Hopping.

I’m really getting into this blog-hoping lark now, I like the idea of getting a prompt on Wednesday and having to produce something for the next Monday. Even though I’m not normally a fan of deadlines and being told what … Continued


The Indie Showcase presents, Laura Lambton

My guest this week is an author of historical fiction. Over to you, Laura. ‘Everyone has a story inside them,’ were words I had heard a thousand times and they became all the more frustrating as each year passed with … Continued
