Blog Hopping. Who’s your friend?

Welcome to another BlogHop, with #OpenBook, here’s this week’s prompt. As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal? Another interesting prompt, at first I thought that I wouldn’t join in this week, as I couldn’t really visualise … Continued


Blog Hopping, to Google or not?

Welcome to another BlogHop, with #OpenBook. Here’s this week’s prompt. Do you Google yourself? Before we begin, I’m afraid that this will only be a short post; I’m currently engaged in the annual novel writing challenge that is NaNoWriMo. More … Continued


Blog Hopping, a different kind of block.

Welcome to another BlogHop, with #OpenBook. Here’s this week’s prompt. We’ve talked about writer’s block. Have you ever gotten reader’s block? To be a writer, you have to love reading and read a lot. Not just before you write, but … Continued


Blog Hopping; Give them what they want.

It’s time for another BlogHop, with #OpenBook. Here’s this week’s prompt. Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want? Hopefully, what readers want is originality; or at least a different way of looking … Continued


Blog Hopping, How do YOU do it?

Here’s this week’s prompt, in association with #OpenBook What is your preferred method of writing? (By hand, on a computer, dictate it?) It’s a keyboard for me, every time. Over the years, I’ve tried writing in a notebook but my … Continued


Blog Hopping, I See Stars!

Welcome to another #OpenBook blog hop. Here’s this week’s prompt. Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with bad or good ones? Reviews are important, getting them is never easy. All my books have a note in … Continued


NaNoWriMo 2019. Part Two. My project is…..

The decision has been made, It’s that time of the year again; when everyone who is participating in the NaNoWriMo challenge starts to announce their projects. You might recall that a few weeks ago, I was agonising over which one … Continued


Blog Hopping, The Dreaded Writers Block

Here’s this week’s prompt, from #OpenBook. How do you move past writer’s block? That’s another good question, writer’s block is something that affects all authors at one time or another. I guess that I’m fortunate; I’ve never suffered from it. … Continued
