One of my novels is currently available as an audiobook, the Steampunk adventure The Rocks of Aserol. It was narrated by Sam Burns at Circle of Spears, who bought it to life.
I have several other novels to convert to audio versions. To set things in motion, I offered one of them, Ribbonworld, for an audition on ACX. The actual process of doing that is refreshingly simple.
Within a few days, I had three auditions to listen to. I was taken with one in particular. Then I received this message on Facebook, from the narrator who had impressed me.

I think that his audition is worth listening to, I chose a small section with multiple characters, to see how the prospective narrators coped. Two of the three read the whole extract in a flat voice, this one introduced life into them, by giving them personality.
I had almost decided to offer the job to Stephen when I got this message.

I have made Stephen an offer, which has been accepted. I now have a fifteen-minute section of the novel to evaluate, which has generated some discussion. We now have a clear idea of the way the project will develop.
You can find out more about Stephen on his website The Soundbook Factory
I had to design a new cover, modifying the original to fit the requirements of the new format. It involved moving the writing, adding the narrator and changing the dimensions of the picture.
From this

to this,

I’m hopeful that the project can be completed by the end of March, with the audiobook on sale in early April.
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