All hands on deck, NaNoWriMo Part 1.

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So we are into November and NaNoWriMo has started. I’m now engrossed in my project, to the exclusion of just about everything else. To clear the decks, I have written most of my newsletter for December and four website posts in advance for this month. Not only that I have updated my Devon life blog as well. That’s all the distractions out of the way.

The news so far is that the NaNo story is writing itself. That’s always a good sign; it usually means that I’ll get more than a short story out of a project. We’re on day 6 and I’m on track. I should have got around 10,000 words and I’ve managed to get just over 12,000 so far.

I’m not giving too much of the plot away at the moment, as with all my work I never really know how it will develop until I write it down, wherever the ideas come from they never seem to arrive fully formed, instead I have just a much of a journey of discovery as the reader does. And since I’ve started, the whole thrust of the story has shifted quite a way.

I’ve already posted the rough blurb in various places; I’m regretting that as I think things may be turning out differently already and I don’t want to be bound by it. Who knows what it will end up as?

Let’s just say that, at the moment it appears to be two stories, combined in a strange way. I did briefly mention the basic premise a while ago but now I’ve started on it seriously it’s taking on another dimension.

In other news, I have taken the plunge and entered two competitions for short stories. They have both closed and I’m now waiting to see if I get onto the long lists, a thing that I’ve never managed before.

Upcoming, I also have three novels and another short story to enter in other competitions and open submission events, with closing dates this year and early next.

I don’t normally write for competitions, I can’t write to order on a specific subject, only what comes out, these pieces, however, have arrived at the right moment for the entry requirements, so it seemed like a shame not to put them in.

It’s short and sweet this week, but as I said, NaNo has sort of taken over, like it did last year.

To celebrate the fact that I’m off to a good start with this year’s NaNo project, I’m offering my 2014 effort, Ribbonworld, absolutely FREE, no email sign-up, no commitment. All I ask is that you give it a review when you’ve read it.

Here’s the link,


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