A few old words, repurposed and looking for a new home.

posted in: News, Writing | 2

The perils of reorganisation.

As well as the short stories that have been included in various anthologies, I have published three collections of short stories of my own.

They never sold many copies or got a lot of page reads, so I decided that it might be better to amalgamate them into one volume. I planned to rewrite a couple of the weaker ones, then add some new material and generally spruce it all up a bit.

So, I unpublished everything. Then I started reading the stories. All 41 of them. To identify what needed any work.

That was where it all changed.

I hadn’t read most of them for a long time and I’d forgotten a lot of what I’d written. Although I say it myself, some of them were pretty good. It seemed a shame to keep them hidden away in a volume of short stories that I then had to promote and hope to get a few sales here and there.

Because I couldn’t face the work involved in doing that, I’ve changed my mind about how to repackage them. I realised that I have another, potentially better, use for the material.

Now that I’m more active on Medium, I can release these stories there, where perhaps they might find a wider audience. Also, they might get people interested enough in what I do to make them take a look at my longer work.

They’re currently joining the new work and the responses to prompts that I’m publishing on Medium, at a rate of about one a week.

Here’s where you can find the ones I’ve published so far.

As well as them, I’m also publishing some new work on Medium.

The Adventures of Kalyn Deere is a series of connected short stories.

Not only that, I’m also getting into the world of fiction inspired by prompts. Here’s what I’ve done so far.

I’m enjoying myself in this new (to me) place to showcase my work. So far, everyone that I’ve met has been friendly and supportive. I’m finding new publications to submit to and my followers are growing.

If you get the chance to take a look at what I’m doing over there, please tell me what you think.

I’d love to get your comments, please leave them below. While you’re here, why not take a look around? There are some freebies and lots more content, about me, my writing and everything else that I do. You can join my newsletter for a free novella and more news by clicking this link.


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